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August Top 10 with

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

Equipping ourselves with the information and insights to make better decisions is a key part of making progress and collectively participating in #positiveforwardmomentum. These are our Top 10 in August. Email your Top 10 to and we'll post them as part of our Sept FBO Top 10.

Here we go!

No 1: Creating South Africa's Future Workforce

Accenture Interactive

“A great deal more of the world emerges from its technologies than from its wars and treaties." W. Brian Arthur

In this report, Accenture Research identifies:

  • The new skills needed to unlock advantages in the digital economy.

  • The actions needed by South African leaders across business, government and industry to shape and prepare the workforce to ‘run with the machine’.

Read more here.

No 2: Global Gender Gap Report World Economic Forum

Last month, the World Economic Forum released its Global Gender Gap Report 2022, a compelling annual assessment of the state of gender parity globally based on four components:

💰Economic participation and opportunity

📚Educational attainment

🩺Health and survival

✊🏾Political empowerment

This 16th edition of the report provides insightful data on emerging trends in the labour market and society more broadly. The key finding is that in 2022, the global gender gap has been closed by 68.1%, up from 67.9% in 2021. As things stand, it will take us an estimated 132 years to reach 100% parity. Despite being a four-year improvement compared to the 2021 estimate (136 years to parity), 132 years is still, well, 132 years…

Before the pandemic, that estimate was 100 years. It’s unfathomable how two years of pandemic-related disruption have set us back by over 30 years, but that is the reality of being a woman in what is evidently still a man’s world.

We were pleased to read that:

⭐️ Women have been establishing businesses at a slightly higher average rate than men. The share of women founders has doubled in the past five years, while the share of men founders has increased by 55%.

⭐️ Women’s share of senior and leadership roles has seen a steady global increase over the past five years (2017-2022). In 2022, global gender parity for this category reached 42.7%, the highest gender parity score yet.

⭐️ The share of women in leadership increased to 36.9% in 2022, up from 36% in 2021. (The pandemic hampered progress between 2019 and 2020, which recorded 35%.)

Read the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 here:

No 3: The tech behind the TV

Joanne Carew: IT Web

Powered by cloud, AI and machine learning, digital transformation at Africa’s largest broadcaster, MultiChoice, is embedded in everything it does. This article looks at how marketing matters and how MultiChoice is poised to evolve from being a media and entertainment business into being a technology and platform business.

Digital transformation, for us, is a layered process of continuous improvement.” He adds that it’s not a single project or initiative, but, instead, it’s embedded in the brand’s operating model.." Vicent Meher: Executive Head of Digital Multichoice Group

Read more here.

No 4: Nonzero Robert Wright

Key words: #Collaboration #Cooperation #Evolution #Problemsolving #Socialdilemma #Gametheory Ingeniously employing game theory the logic of "zero-sum" and "non-zero-sum" games, Wright isolates the impetus behind life's basic direction: the impetus that, via biological evolution, created complex, intelligent animals and then, via cultural evolution, pushed the human species toward deeper and vaster social complexity. In this view, the coming of today's interdependent global society was "in the cards" - not quite inevitable, perhaps, but, as Wright puts it, "so probable as to inspire wonder." Wright takes on some of the past century's most prominent thinkers, including Isaiah Berlin, Karl Popper, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Dawkins. Wright argues that a coolly scientific appraisal of humanity's three-billion-year past can give new spiritual meaning to the present and even offer political guidance for the future. Nonzero will change the way people think about the human prospect.

Download the book on Audible here.

No 5: Brand Disruption 2022: The Evolving Consumer Ecosystem Interactive Advertising Bureau (global)

The report is the fifth annual study of “the Direct Brand Economy,” the snowballing effect of changes in digital consumers, digital supply chain management, digital distribution, digital selling, and digital marketing.

Some key take outs:

  • The “storeless” economy has accelerated 200-300%: The pandemic accelerated the shift to e-commerce. It’s almost at $1 trillion in annual spending, and will represent nearly a quarter of all shopping in the next few years.

  • Retail media networks woo disruptor brands and encumber legacy brands: Established retailers are wooing disruptor brands with preferential treatment in their retail media networks in an effort to fight for the business of Gen Z and millennials, who rarely go to retail to discover brands. Nearly half of Big Brands (vs. 29% of Disruptors) spending with retail media networks say retailers are requiring them to buy ads there.

  • Delivery times shrink to 15 minutes: Brick-and-mortar retail is shifting to an Amazon-like never-ending instant gratification machine, an “On-Demand Economy” model built around DTC delivery times as short as 15-minutes.

  • The barrier between physical and digital shopping is now completely eradicated: Local delivery, click-and-collect, and BOPIS (buy online, pick up in store) are up 45%, 52%, and 125% respectively.

  • Big brands use DTC playbook: Big brands are racing to reinvent themselves, with eight out of 10 brands now working with influencers — with the largest growth among nano-influencers.

Download the report to learn more about the study’s key findings:

No. 6: Calculating a Cleaner Future Now Group M

WPP is working to develop the technology and standards to measure and reduce emissions from advertising globally. As part of that effort, GroupM commissioned research from independent specialists in carbon measurement to help create a robust methodology for consistent and accurate carbon measurement across the media supply chain, and to enable targeted interventions to reduce emissions. Once created, the lifecycle assessment methodologies will enable a new carbon calculator to be built. Available for industry-wide adoption, the carbon calculator will set absolute emissions reduction targets and build in vendor-level data where available.

Read more here.

No. 7: FBO #ThreethingsonThursday Episode 2

In episode 2 of the FBO #threethingsonthursday newsletter, we share case studies, creativity & insights to get to the end of the week. Just 3 things 'cause our brains are full.

One: 1 x BOF portfolio growth chart

Two: 1 x business transformation case study with Pinotex (#Cannes2022 winner)

Three: 1 x push for partnership with a case study from #Cannes2021 winners ELF x Chipotle

Read more here.

No 8: The #Cannes2022 Wrap up report

Cannes Lions

This is an insight-packed wrap-up of Cannes Lions 2022, in partnership with TikTok. After two years LIONS was thrilled to gather the industry together again in Cannes to champion creativity, explore its multifaceted evolution, and set a new benchmark of excellence for the year ahead. Among the abundance of insights and ideas, Cannes delved into the winning work along with all of the Festival’s talks to give you the key takeouts and trends. Taken from over 170 talks, 826 Lion-winning pieces from 44 countries and interviews with more than 70 jury presidents, jurors and winners to get the inside scoop on the work, as well as what’s steering the direction of travel for the creative community. If you weren't able to attend the Festival, or went and want to catch up on the content you missed, Cannes has got everything you need to know. There are six critical themes for creativity ( State of Creativity Study _) an exclusive research capturing 3300 leaders' perspectives on creativity today. These six themes formed the framework for the Cannes Lions programme. Following the Festival, the Wrap-Up Report revisits these themes: highlighting the latest insights, new trends and winning work to help you understand how to reshape your creative work for success in the year ahead. Throughout all of the work and discussions, the sentiment and importance of community comes through loud and clear. We need to nurture and inspire new talent into the global creative community to develop breakthrough ideas; brands need to seek out and engage the new communities congregating in virtual worlds; and companies must form new collective communities if we are to solve the world’s biggest issues.

Read more here.

Or visit the FBO Instagram page for the summary and book the FBO Shape Your Thinking talk here.

No. 9: Digital Skills Gap Report Interactive Advertising Bureau (South Africa)

The IAB SA, supported by the Red & Yellow Creative School of Business, seeks to support the industry in continuous learning with the objective to asses the relevant skills shortages and gaps in the digital marketing and advertising industry, collaborating with our education and training institutions in order to produce relevant current and future talent that is able to meet the needs of the industry.

Read the report here.

No. 10: Lesley van der Nest HelloFCB+

At FBO, we loved Lesley's LinkedIn letter to us on the importance of August, on the importance of a movement and helping those around you to thrive. Thank you Lesley,

"It's important to take a moment to reflect on the importance of women’s month in SA.

More than a day or a month in the year, more than a movement - we honour the great women's march of 1956 - a moment that was a catalyst for change.

And even though there has been progress towards achieving gender equality, the women in SA still fall on hard times. Educational and employment inequality still exists and gender-based violence not only hinders progress, but we are losing our women to the countless acts of violence against them.

As a woman in the creative and marketing industry, I am blessed to have strong and powerful women around me. My callout to every woman and man this month, is to reflect and understand the importance of creating safe spaces and support networks that inspires, protects, and champions women and marginalised genders.

And don’t just do this during the month of August. Join communities and organisation that continues this march daily.

Help the women around you to thrive".

To follow Lesley on LinkedIn click here.

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