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More than marketing with Mungo

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

Summer Swim Club 2022

Marketing that doesn't feel like marketing: A combination of relevance, meaning, and purpose packaged into a personalised, community experience. And if it improves our world at the same time - bonus!

A case study in more than marketing:

The invitation:

The invite to the Mungo 2022 Swim Club arrived in my inbox at the end of November amongst a flurry of Black Friday, Festive Season deals, and courier notifications. I had been a subscriber of Mungo, a South African company, for some time and have always appreciated their steady, sustainable approach to communication.

The invite ticked a number of brand boxes:

  1. I was opted-in

  2. It was personalised

  3. It was time-sensitive

  4. There were a limited number of spaces for the experience and

  5. The images were fresh, on-brand, and inspirational with clear and simple messaging.

In addition:

  1. There was no fee to participate.

  2. By participating I would be activating a R100 contribution to the 2022 Mungo Swim Club I AM WATER foundation

  3. And be able to enjoy a complimentary Itawuli (the famous Mungo towel) should I complete the experience.

For this, I would need to commit to:

  1. A 6:15 am on-site registration for 5 mornings (Clifton Beach, not complaining)

  2. 5 mornings of sea swimming (10-11 degrees this week... some complaining)

The response:

I RSVP'd in 15 seconds flat. My life would need to accommodate this incredible experience. I also forwarded the invite to my friend who loves an early swim as much as I do, who signed up and with the spaces already at capacity was placed on a waiting list. Two days later I received an indemnity form and confirmation that I really could commit, with no worries should I no longer be able to make the Mungo Swim team experience (shame-free marketing is always a bonus). I completed that in 10 seconds. My friend was emailed with an open space and we were ready to start swimming that Monday.

The experience:

Professional, uncomplicated, and accessible. The Mungo Swim team was welcoming of the 130-inspired summer swimmers (and that is just the Clifton squad), who all varied in their approach to the cold seawater. Some of us made it to 10 minutes in the water, others a fast dip and the impressive - 45 minutes. Each person was able to participate in their own way. Dogs, kids, friends were welcome. New friends were made and it seemed that the crowd grew and grew, with friends and family invited along the way.

The results:

Five days of early morning sea swimming with 130 fellow ocean lovers who were all delighted to be there together and share in the experience provided by Mungo and their partners. Arriving together with so many people at a most beautiful beach felt like we were all on a holiday together with smiles and joy to match. We also achieved something personal in terms of setting a goal and meeting it, along with friends and family.

As a bonus, cold water swimming is a benefit to our health along with joining a community and its social benefits. Mungo then topped that with a donation, on each of our behalfs, of R100 to I AM WATER, and we received the beautiful Mungo Itawuli towel! Did I mention - not a brand banner in site! Thank you Mungo and hope to see you in 2023!

(Photo on the left of Paula Hulley and Verena Howes)

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