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September Top 10 with

Equipping ourselves with the information and insights to make better decisions is a key part of making progress and collectively participating in #positiveforwardmomentum. These are our Top 10 in September. Email your Top 10 to and we'll post them as part of our October FBO Top 10.

Here we go!

No 1: Meeting Kimberly Taylor: Inventor and founder of Loop

“I believe technology helps us make better decisions which means we utilise the resources we have better and more intelligently. This can be money, people, fuel etc. but, most importantly, the resource of time. And so ultimately, I believe technology can help in allowing us to spend more time on things that matter most, things that are fulfilling and make us happy."

Thanks to Kimberley Taylor, who is making waves through invaluable technology applications in the logistics space, Loop is a total game changer for businesses. Loop connects delivery companies with all the players in their operation, from suppliers to customers. It’s a completely customisable app that supports each operational tier from the top down. This platform has enabled South Africa’s largest nationwide grocery business to deliver within 60 minutes. Kimberly Taylor connects with Sinazo Mkojo in this interview.

Read more here.

No 2: Older Entrepreneurs Outperform Younger Founders Forbes with Kumar Mehta

MIT, Northwestern, Wharton and the U.S. Census Bureau conducted one of the most in-depth studies on the relationship between age and startup success. They found that the mean age of startup founders across the U.S. was 42 years. The mean age of high-tech start-up founders (where one might presume that the founders are younger) was 43. And the average age of founders of the rare ultra-fast growth unicorns (the 1 in 1,000 fastest growing ventures) was 45. While a small set of exceptional individuals may have built great companies at a young age, the reality is that most successful entrepreneurs are older, often in their late thirties, forties, fifties, or even later in life.

Read more here.

No 3: Quiet quitting

New York Times with Alyson Krueger

Multiple platforms and publishers, including influencers on TikTok have been bringing attention to the term: Quiet Quitters. The New York times gives their input > The term was defined and redefined. For some, it was mentally checking out from work. For others, it became about not accepting additional work without additional pay. The article continues that many people feel perplexed asking “Why do you need a term to describe something as ordinary as going to work and doing your job, even if it’s not well?”

“Quiet quitting seems very passive aggressive,” he said. “If somebody is burnt out, there should be a candid conversation about that, and it should be both ways. Just saying, ‘I am going to do the absolute minimum because I am entitled to it or I have issues’ — it doesn’t really help anybody.” Matt Spielman, a career coach in New York City and author of the book “Inflection Points: How to Work and Live With Purpose,” worries about people engaging in quiet quitting as a means of getting revenge on a company.

Read more here.

No 4: Secrets of successful brand mascots Design Week with Henry Wong

According to research from creative agency Moving Picture Company, mascots can increase profits and emotional connection to customers by up to 41%. The same research also discovered that long-term campaigns featuring mascots increased profit gain by 34%, compared to 26% for mascots without. Over time, the Pringles’ mascot, for example, has achieved fame most brand designers dream of – even appearing in The Simpsons. As Lawrence notes, Mr P. is recognisable with or without the Pringles wordmark next to him.

Read more about the importance of brand mascots, keeping them relevant and how they create meaningful emotional connections.

Read more here.

No 5: IAB Attitudes Digital out of Home 2022 Report IAB Australia

83% of agencies having used DOOH and 48% at least regularly considering it – according to the Attitudes to DOOH 2022 Report from IAB Australia. The Report (which can be downloaded below) is based on a survey of 530 advertising professionals across agencies, brands and ad technology suppliers in the Australian market conducted in July 2022. And with Google Display & Video 360 Adds Digital Out-of-Home now available, here’s a space to watch even more closely.

Download the report to learn more about the study’s key findings.

No. 6: KFC boosts quality perceptions with 11-course tasting menu

More from Australia… Developed by Ogilvy, Sydney, the KFC Degustation experience kicked-off on 30 March with an exclusive launch for food critics, journalists, celebrity chefs and influencers. The public facing degustation experience was then hosted for three nights, from 1-3 April. KFC reports that over 20,000 people joined the waitlist for a seat at the event, which cost $75 per person and was hosted in a secret location in Alexandria, Sydney.

Read more on here.

No. 7: WARC’s spend predictions paint dire picture for 2023 DIGIDAY with Michael Bürgi

WARC on Wednesday issued its ad spend outlook for 2022/2023, which backs up the positive results the agency holding companies have enjoyed so far this year — an 8.3 percent rise in global ad spend, amounting to $67.3 billion more spent this year over 2021.

Besides the positive first half of the year, 2022’s totals are buoyed by a strong political ad windfall in the U.S. and a revenue boost from soccer’s World Cup, to be held in Qatar starting Nov. 20 and running until a week before Christmas.

However, WARC forecasts that the fast paced grow slows down into 2023 with a further economic slowdown, and envisions a long-tail negative effect of Apple’s cookie-blocking moves as inhibiting the type of growth social media platforms have enjoyed for the last decade.

Read more here with a link to access a summary report from WARC.

No 8: Football season is here! World Cup Facts

Ydigital Media x FBO partnership

The 2022 World Cup will start in November and we’ll soon we will be experiencing big media moments and opportunities for tactical media placements such as new schedules, match dates, and even temperature fluctuations during the event. Brands and advertisers can optimize their strategies to achieve both high offline and digital engagement with the World Cup. For example SyncYD technology will be 100% synchronized with the 2022 World Cup matches that will be broadcast on TV and Radio. This allows the advertiser to plan their entire digital strategy fully integrated with the biggest sporting event in the world.

Some World Cup 2022 facts:

  1. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar is expected to be watched by 5 billion people worldwide!

  2. According to studies by, approximately 70% of consumers who watch TV use a second screen simultaneously (usually a mobile device) and use their device after viewing an ad to find more information about a product/service.

  3. Furthermore 50% of consumers have purchased a product or service based on the commercial that they have seen.

Find out more about how to sync your campaigns in this “digital first” as the 2022 World Cup will be the most Second (Multi) Screen viewed sporting event ever! For more information visit

No. 9: DALL.E.2 AI system

In January 2021, OpenAI introduced DALL.E. One year later, they launched DALL.E 2, which generates more realistic and accurate images with 4x greater resolution. According to DALL·E 2 has been making waves since it was first revealed back in April because it looks like it might be the most advanced AI art generator yet. And while some people are understandably concerned about where AI might leave human creativity, some artists and designers have been learning how to make the tool work for them.

DALL·E 2 began as a research project and is now available in beta to those who join our waitlist. Ironically you need to prove you are not a robot before submission!

Check it out here.

No. 10: The brain: A user's manual Marco Magrini

A fascinating guide to the inner workings of one of nature’s most miraculous but misunderstood creations: the human brain. This user-friendly manual offers an accessible guide to the machine you use the most, deconstructing the brain into its constituent parts and showing you both how they function and how to maintain them for a longer life. Cutting through the noise of modern pop psychology, The Brain: A User's Manual is a refreshingly factual approach to self-help. Written with a deft style and wry humour, it offers tips on everything from maximising productivity to retaining memory and boosting your mood.

We are in the middle of reading it – no spoilers!

Also available on Amazon here.

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